Friday, August 28, 2009

Ramadan It! - Day 8

Not much to report today. I ate a little later, but I made it until 6 where my wife treated me to the Indian buffet. The one thing that's nice about this is that I don't have to worry about what I'm going to do for lunch. I realize that probably doesn't seem like a very big deal to most people, but food is something that I tend to obsessively plan over, so skipping lunch takes some pressure off me.

What do I mean by planning my meals? I finish one and then I ask my wife what she wants for dinner the next day. She usually can't even begin thinking about it when she has a full belly, but I'm still concerned about it.

One other thing is that I think I wanted to have a beer more than any other day. The reason why is no doubt that a coworker and I were talking about beer, and he was asking me questions about the differences between ales and lagers and all that. I tend to get excited when I talk about beer, and all that talking really made me want one. Oh well, the one thing I know for sure is that pretty much whichever homebrew I decide to crack open first when this is all done, that will be one of the best tasting beers I've ever had.

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