Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summer bloggin'

So, I figured with classes having ended last Wednesday, I'd have plenty of time to blog. After all, there are a lot of things swimming around in my head that I've wanted to write about, but for some reason, it feels like all of my days have been absolutely packed. I also have a lot of things that I want to get done this summer, including:

Read several books, including The Stranger and The Crucible. I also want to finish Moby Dick, but I haven't been reading that one at all over the past few weeks. I started The Stranger though, and even if I go slowly, I'll finish it by the weekend. I like it so far.

Read and reread several comics. I'm reading the entire run of Astonishing X-Men right now. It took four years for 25 issues to come out, and about halfway through I stopped reading it, because I could never remember what happened from issue to issue. Reading all the issues in a row has been good though, and I'm glad that I continued to pick it up. I've got some other comics like that, and there's a bunch of stuff I simply haven't read for one reason or another (or completed, anyway.)

Do some yardwork. There's a tree on the side of my house that's obviously never been pruned. I've chopped the shit out of it over the past couple of months, and it still has some work to go. It's actually looking pretty good. Now I just need to focus on the bushes in my front yard.

Write my epic. If you've read my Eagle-Man blog, you know that I have aspirations for writing an epic story with my character. It's got everything from superheroes to time travel to zombies to the Crucifixion. A good time is guaranteed for all! (And if you haven't read my short story that I posted - what's wrong with you? A few people have read it now and I've gotten some genuinely positive feedback. One thing that everybody seems to agree with is that it's entertaining, so at the very worst, you won't be bored with it.)

Go on a trip with Kirsti. It'll be a road trip, despite the price of gas. More info on that later.

Clear my credential and sign up/pay for some independent study units so I can climb up on the pay scale.

Become the Ultimate World Fighting Champion. This might have to wait until next year.

Other than that, I want to walk Argos to the park every day. This week I'm just taking him on short walks though, as in the mornings I'm taking a class in San Ramon. It's an art class, and it's aimed more at elementary school teachers, it seems, but it's fun and the units will bump me up on the pay scale as well.

Looks like it'll be a busy summer.

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